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Abstract base node class that all others inherit from.

Why do we not use the DOM extension? (1) It is not always available, (2) it has funny constraints on the data it can represent, whereas we want a maximally flexible representation, and (3) its interface is a bit cumbersome.

  • Full name: \HTMLPurifier_Node
  • This class is an Abstract class



Line number of the start token in the source document

public $line


Column number of the start token in the source document. Null if unknown.

public $col


Lookup array of processing that this token is exempt from.

public $armor

Currently, valid values are "ValidateAttributes".


When true, this node should be ignored as non-existent.

public $dead

Who is responsible for ignoring dead nodes? FixNesting is responsible for removing them before passing on to child validators.



Returns a pair of start and end tokens, where the end token is null if it is not necessary. Does not include children.

public toTokenPair(): mixed
  • This method is abstract.

Automatically generated on 2025-03-18