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Implement this interface to specify where the OAuth2 Server should retrieve user claims for the OpenID Connect id_token.

  • Full name: \OAuth2\OpenID\Storage\UserClaimsInterface


Constant Visibility Type Value
VALID_CLAIMS public 'profile email address phone'
PROFILE_CLAIM_VALUES public 'name family_name given_name middle_name nickname preferred_username profile picture website gender birthdate zoneinfo locale updated_at'
EMAIL_CLAIM_VALUES public 'email email_verified'
ADDRESS_CLAIM_VALUES public 'formatted street_address locality region postal_code country'
PHONE_CLAIM_VALUES public 'phone_number phone_number_verified'



Return claims about the provided user id.

public getUserClaims(mixed $user_id, string $scope): array

Groups of claims are returned based on the requested scopes. No group is required, and no claim is required.


Parameter Type Description
$user_id mixed - The id of the user for which claims should be returned.
$scope string - The requested scope.
Scopes with matching claims: profile, email, address, phone.

Return Value:

  • An array in the claim => value format.

See Also:

  • -

Automatically generated on 2025-03-18