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Implement this interface to specify where the OAuth2 Server should get the JWT key for clients

  • Full name: \OAuth2\Storage\JwtBearerInterface



Get the public key associated with a client_id

public getClientKey(mixed $client_id, mixed $subject): string


Parameter Type Description
$client_id mixed
Client identifier to be checked with.
$subject mixed

Return Value:

Return the public key for the client_id if it exists, and MUST return FALSE if it doesn't.


Get a jti (JSON token identifier) by matching against the client_id, subject, audience and expiration.

public getJti(mixed $client_id, mixed $subject, mixed $audience, mixed $expiration, mixed $jti): \OAuth2\Storage\An


Parameter Type Description
$client_id mixed
Client identifier to match.
$subject mixed
The subject to match.
$audience mixed
The audience to match.
$expiration mixed
The expiration of the jti.
$jti mixed
The jti to match.

Return Value:

associative array as below, and return NULL if the jti does not exist. - issuer: Stored client identifier. - subject: Stored subject. - audience: Stored audience. - expires: Stored expiration in unix timestamp. - jti: The stored jti.


Store a used jti so that we can check against it to prevent replay attacks.

public setJti(mixed $client_id, mixed $subject, mixed $audience, mixed $expiration, mixed $jti): mixed


Parameter Type Description
$client_id mixed
Client identifier to insert.
$subject mixed
The subject to insert.
$audience mixed
The audience to insert.
$expiration mixed
The expiration of the jti.
$jti mixed
The jti to insert.

Automatically generated on 2025-03-18