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TimestampLastCombCodec encodes and decodes COMBs, with the timestamp as the last 48 bits

The CombGenerator when used with the StringCodec (and, by proxy, the TimestampLastCombCodec) adds the timestamp to the last 48 bits of the COMB. The TimestampLastCombCodec is provided for the sake of consistency. In practice, it is identical to the standard StringCodec but, it may be used with the CombGenerator for additional context when reading code.

Consider the following code. By default, the codec used by UuidFactory is the StringCodec, but here, we explicitly set the TimestampLastCombCodec. It is redundant, but it is clear that we intend this COMB to be generated with the timestamp appearing at the end.

$factory = new UuidFactory();

$factory->setCodec(new TimestampLastCombCodec($factory->getUuidBuilder()));

$factory->setRandomGenerator(new CombGenerator(

$timestampLastComb = $factory->uuid4();

See Also:

  • - The Cost of GUIDs as Primary Keys

Inherited methods


Constructs a StringCodec

public __construct(\Ramsey\Uuid\Builder\UuidBuilderInterface $builder): mixed


Parameter Type Description
$builder \Ramsey\Uuid\Builder\UuidBuilderInterface The builder to use when encoding UUIDs


Returns a hexadecimal string representation of a UuidInterface

public encode(\Ramsey\Uuid\UuidInterface $uuid): string


Parameter Type Description
$uuid \Ramsey\Uuid\UuidInterface The UUID for which to create a hexadecimal
string representation

Return Value:

Hexadecimal string representation of a UUID


Returns a binary string representation of a UuidInterface

public encodeBinary(\Ramsey\Uuid\UuidInterface $uuid): string


Parameter Type Description
$uuid \Ramsey\Uuid\UuidInterface The UUID for which to create a binary string

Return Value:

Binary string representation of a UUID


Returns a UuidInterface derived from a hexadecimal string representation

public decode(string $encodedUuid): \Ramsey\Uuid\UuidInterface


Parameter Type Description
$encodedUuid string The hexadecimal string representation to
convert into a UuidInterface instance

Return Value:

An instance of a UUID decoded from a hexadecimal string representation



Returns a UuidInterface derived from a binary string representation

public decodeBytes(string $bytes): \Ramsey\Uuid\UuidInterface


Parameter Type Description
$bytes string The binary string representation to convert into a
UuidInterface instance

Return Value:

An instance of a UUID decoded from a binary string representation


Returns the UUID builder

protected getBuilder(): \Ramsey\Uuid\Builder\UuidBuilderInterface


Returns a byte string of the UUID

protected getBytes(string $encodedUuid): string


Parameter Type Description
$encodedUuid string

Automatically generated on 2025-03-18