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This interface encapsulates deprecated methods for ramsey/uuid

  • Full name: \Ramsey\Uuid\DeprecatedUuidInterface



public getNumberConverter(): \Ramsey\Uuid\Converter\NumberConverterInterface
  • Warning: this method is deprecated. This means that this method will likely be removed in a future version.


public getFieldsHex(): string[]
  • Warning: this method is deprecated. This means that this method will likely be removed in a future version.


public getClockSeqHiAndReservedHex(): string
  • Warning: this method is deprecated. This means that this method will likely be removed in a future version.


public getClockSeqLowHex(): string
  • Warning: this method is deprecated. This means that this method will likely be removed in a future version.


public getClockSequenceHex(): string
  • Warning: this method is deprecated. This means that this method will likely be removed in a future version.


public getDateTime(): \DateTimeInterface
  • Warning: this method is deprecated. This means that this method will likely be removed in a future version.


public getLeastSignificantBitsHex(): string
  • Warning: this method is deprecated. This means that this method will likely be removed in a future version.


public getMostSignificantBitsHex(): string
  • Warning: this method is deprecated. This means that this method will likely be removed in a future version.


public getNodeHex(): string
  • Warning: this method is deprecated. This means that this method will likely be removed in a future version.


public getTimeHiAndVersionHex(): string
  • Warning: this method is deprecated. This means that this method will likely be removed in a future version.


public getTimeLowHex(): string
  • Warning: this method is deprecated. This means that this method will likely be removed in a future version.


public getTimeMidHex(): string
  • Warning: this method is deprecated. This means that this method will likely be removed in a future version.


public getTimestampHex(): string
  • Warning: this method is deprecated. This means that this method will likely be removed in a future version.


public getVariant(): ?int
  • Warning: this method is deprecated. This means that this method will likely be removed in a future version.


public getVersion(): ?int
  • Warning: this method is deprecated. This means that this method will likely be removed in a future version.

Automatically generated on 2025-03-18