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Calendar interface.

Implement this interface to allow a node to be recognized as an calendar.

Inherited methods


Deleted the current node.

public delete(): mixed


Returns the name of the node.

public getName(): string

This is used to generate the url.


Renames the node.

public setName(string $name): mixed


Parameter Type Description
$name string The new name


Returns the last modification time, as a unix timestamp. Return null if the information is not available.

public getLastModified(): int|null


Returns the owner principal.

public getOwner(): string|null

This must be a url to a principal, or null if there's no owner


Returns a group principal.

public getGroup(): string|null

This must be a url to a principal, or null if there's no owner


Returns a list of ACE's for this node.

public getACL(): array

Each ACE has the following properties: * 'privilege', a string such as {DAV:}read or {DAV:}write. These are currently the only supported privileges * 'principal', a url to the principal who owns the node * 'protected' (optional), indicating that this ACE is not allowed to be updated.


Updates the ACL.

public setACL(array $acl): mixed

This method will receive a list of new ACE's as an array argument.


Parameter Type Description
$acl array


Returns the list of supported privileges for this node.

public getSupportedPrivilegeSet(): array|null

The returned data structure is a list of nested privileges. See Sabre\DAVACL\Plugin::getDefaultSupportedPrivilegeSet for a simple standard structure.

If null is returned from this method, the default privilege set is used, which is fine for most common usecases.


Creates a new file in the directory.

public createFile(string $name, resource|string $data = null): string|null

Data will either be supplied as a stream resource, or in certain cases as a string. Keep in mind that you may have to support either.

After successful creation of the file, you may choose to return the ETag of the new file here.

The returned ETag must be surrounded by double-quotes (The quotes should be part of the actual string).

If you cannot accurately determine the ETag, you should not return it. If you don't store the file exactly as-is (you're transforming it somehow) you should also not return an ETag.

This means that if a subsequent GET to this new file does not exactly return the same contents of what was submitted here, you are strongly recommended to omit the ETag.


Parameter Type Description
$name string Name of the file
$data resource|string Initial payload


Creates a new subdirectory.

public createDirectory(string $name): mixed


Parameter Type Description
$name string


Returns a specific child node, referenced by its name.

public getChild(string $name): \Sabre\DAV\INode

This method must throw Sabre\DAV\Exception\NotFound if the node does not exist.


Parameter Type Description
$name string


Returns an array with all the child nodes.

public getChildren(): \Sabre\DAV\INode[]


Checks if a child-node with the specified name exists.

public childExists(string $name): bool


Parameter Type Description
$name string


Performs a calendar-query on the contents of this calendar.

public calendarQuery(array $filters): array

The calendar-query is defined in RFC4791 : CalDAV. Using the calendar-query it is possible for a client to request a specific set of object, based on contents of iCalendar properties, date-ranges and iCalendar component types (VTODO, VEVENT).

This method should just return a list of (relative) urls that match this query.

The list of filters are specified as an array. The exact array is documented by \Sabre\CalDAV\CalendarQueryParser.


Parameter Type Description
$filters array

Automatically generated on 2025-03-18