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iMIP handler.

This class is responsible for sending out iMIP messages. iMIP is the email-based transport for iTIP. iTIP deals with scheduling operations for iCalendar objects.

If you want to customize the email that gets sent out, you can do so by extending this class and overriding the sendMessage method.



Email address used in From: header.

protected string $senderEmail



Creates the email handler.

public __construct(string $senderEmail): mixed


Parameter Type Description
$senderEmail string . The 'senderEmail' is the email that shows up
in the 'From:' address. This should
generally be some kind of no-reply email
address you own.


This initializes the plugin.

public initialize(\Sabre\DAV\Server $server): mixed

This function is called by Sabre\DAV\Server, after addPlugin is called.

This method should set up the required event subscriptions.


Parameter Type Description
$server \Sabre\DAV\Server


Returns a plugin name.

public getPluginName(): string

Using this name other plugins will be able to access other plugins using \Sabre\DAV\Server::getPlugin


Event handler for the 'schedule' event.

public schedule(\Sabre\VObject\ITip\Message $iTipMessage): mixed


Parameter Type Description
$iTipMessage \Sabre\VObject\ITip\Message


This function is responsible for sending the actual email.

protected mail(string $to, string $subject, string $body, array $headers): mixed


Parameter Type Description
$to string Recipient email address
$subject string Subject of the email
$body string iCalendar body
$headers array List of headers


Returns a bunch of meta-data about the plugin.

public getPluginInfo(): array

Providing this information is optional, and is mainly displayed by the Browser plugin.

The description key in the returned array may contain html and will not be sanitized.

Inherited methods


This initializes the plugin.

public initialize(\Sabre\DAV\Server $server): mixed

This function is called by Sabre\DAV\Server, after addPlugin is called.

This method should set up the required event subscriptions.

  • This method is abstract.


Parameter Type Description
$server \Sabre\DAV\Server


This method should return a list of server-features.

public getFeatures(): array

This is for example 'versioning' and is added to the DAV: header in an OPTIONS response.


Use this method to tell the server this plugin defines additional HTTP methods.

public getHTTPMethods(string $path): array

This method is passed a uri. It should only return HTTP methods that are available for the specified uri.


Parameter Type Description
$path string


Returns a plugin name.

public getPluginName(): string

Using this name other plugins will be able to access other plugins using \Sabre\DAV\Server::getPlugin


Returns a list of reports this plugin supports.

public getSupportedReportSet(string $uri): array

This will be used in the {DAV:}supported-report-set property. Note that you still need to subscribe to the 'report' event to actually implement them


Parameter Type Description
$uri string


Returns a bunch of meta-data about the plugin.

public getPluginInfo(): array

Providing this information is optional, and is mainly displayed by the Browser plugin.

The description key in the returned array may contain html and will not be sanitized.

Automatically generated on 2025-03-18