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SabreDAV DAV client.

This client wraps around Curl to provide a convenient API to a WebDAV server.

NOTE: This class is experimental, it's api will likely change in the future.


Constant Visibility Type Value
AUTH_BASIC public 1
AUTH_DIGEST public 2
AUTH_NTLM public 4



The xml service.

public mixed $xml

Uset this service to configure the property and namespace maps.


The elementMap.

public array $propertyMap

This property is linked via reference to $this->xml->elementMap. It's deprecated as of version 3.0.0, and should no longer be used.

  • Warning: this property is deprecated. This means that this property will likely be removed in a future version.


Base URI.

protected string $baseUri

This URI will be used to resolve relative urls.



protected int $encoding




public __construct(array $settings): mixed

Settings are provided through the 'settings' argument. The following settings are supported:

  • baseUri
  • userName (optional)
  • password (optional)
  • proxy (optional)
  • authType (optional)
  • encoding (optional)

authType must be a bitmap, using self::AUTH_BASIC, self::AUTH_DIGEST and self::AUTH_NTLM. If you know which authentication method will be used, it's recommended to set it, as it will save a great deal of requests to 'discover' this information.

Encoding is a bitmap with one of the ENCODING constants.


Parameter Type Description
$settings array


Does a PROPFIND request with filtered response returning only available properties.

public propFind(mixed $url, array $properties, 1|0 $depth): array

The list of requested properties must be specified as an array, in clark notation.

Depth should be either 0 or 1. A depth of 1 will cause a request to be made to the server to also return all child resources.

For depth 0, just the array of properties for the resource is returned.

For depth 1, the returned array will contain a list of resource names as keys, and an array of properties as values.

The array of properties will contain the properties as keys with their values as the value. Only properties that are actually returned from the server without error will be returned, anything else is discarded.


Parameter Type Description
$url mixed
$properties array
$depth 1|0


Does a PROPFIND request with unfiltered response.

public propFindUnfiltered(string $url, array $properties, 1|0 $depth): array

The list of requested properties must be specified as an array, in clark notation.

Depth should be either 0 or 1. A depth of 1 will cause a request to be made to the server to also return all child resources.

For depth 0, just the multi-level array of status and properties for the resource is returned.

For depth 1, the returned array will contain a list of resources as keys and a multi-level array containing status and properties as value.

The multi-level array of status and properties is formatted the same as what is documented for parseMultiStatus.

All properties that are actually returned from the server are returned by this method.


Parameter Type Description
$url string
$properties array
$depth 1|0


Does a PROPFIND request.

private doPropFind(mixed $url, array $properties, 1|0 $depth): array

The list of requested properties must be specified as an array, in clark notation.

Depth should be either 0 or 1. A depth of 1 will cause a request to be made to the server to also return all child resources.

The returned array will contain a list of resources as keys and a multi-level array containing status and properties as value.

The multi-level array of status and properties is formatted the same as what is documented for parseMultiStatus.


Parameter Type Description
$url mixed
$properties array
$depth 1|0


Updates a list of properties on the server.

public propPatch(string $url, array $properties): bool

The list of properties must have clark-notation properties for the keys, and the actual (string) value for the value. If the value is null, an attempt is made to delete the property.


Parameter Type Description
$url string
$properties array


Performs an HTTP options request.

public options(): array

This method returns all the features from the 'DAV:' header as an array. If there was no DAV header, or no contents this method will return an empty array.


Performs an actual HTTP request, and returns the result.

public request(string $method, string $url = '', string|resource|null $body = null, array $headers = []): array

If the specified url is relative, it will be expanded based on the base url.

The returned array contains 3 keys: * body - the response body * httpCode - a HTTP code (200, 404, etc) * headers - a list of response http headers. The header names have been lowercased.

For large uploads, it's highly recommended to specify body as a stream resource. You can easily do this by simply passing the result of fopen(..., 'r').

This method will throw an exception if an HTTP error was received. Any HTTP status code above 399 is considered an error.

Note that it is no longer recommended to use this method, use the send() method instead.


Parameter Type Description
$method string
$url string
$body string|resource|null
$headers array


in case a curl error occurred


Returns the full url based on the given url (which may be relative). All urls are expanded based on the base url as given by the server.

public getAbsoluteUrl(string $url): string


Parameter Type Description
$url string


Parses a WebDAV multistatus response body.

public parseMultiStatus(string $body): array

This method returns an array with the following structure

[ 'url/to/resource' => [ '200' => [ '{DAV:}property1' => 'value1', '{DAV:}property2' => 'value2', ], '404' => [ '{DAV:}property1' => null, '{DAV:}property2' => null, ], ], 'url/to/resource2' => [ .. etc .. ] ]


Parameter Type Description
$body string xml body

Inherited methods


Subscribe to an event.

public on(string $eventName, callable $callBack, int $priority = 100): mixed


Parameter Type Description
$eventName string
$callBack callable
$priority int


Subscribe to an event exactly once.

public once(string $eventName, callable $callBack, int $priority = 100): mixed


Parameter Type Description
$eventName string
$callBack callable
$priority int


Emits an event.

public emit(string $eventName, array $arguments = [], callable $continueCallBack = null): bool

This method will return true if 0 or more listeners were successfully handled. false is returned if one of the events broke the event chain.

If the continueCallBack is specified, this callback will be called every time before the next event handler is called.

If the continueCallback returns false, event propagation stops. This allows you to use the eventEmitter as a means for listeners to implement functionality in your application, and break the event loop as soon as some condition is fulfilled.

Note that returning false from an event subscriber breaks propagation and returns false, but if the continue-callback stops propagation, this is still considered a 'successful' operation and returns true.

Lastly, if there are 5 event handlers for an event. The continueCallback will be called at most 4 times.


Parameter Type Description
$eventName string
$arguments array
$continueCallBack callable


Returns the list of listeners for an event.

public listeners(string $eventName): callable[]

The list is returned as an array, and the list of events are sorted by their priority.


Parameter Type Description
$eventName string


Removes a specific listener from an event.

public removeListener(string $eventName, callable $listener): bool

If the listener could not be found, this method will return false. If it was removed it will return true.


Parameter Type Description
$eventName string
$listener callable


Removes all listeners.

public removeAllListeners(string $eventName = null): mixed

If the eventName argument is specified, all listeners for that event are removed. If it is not specified, every listener for every event is removed.


Parameter Type Description
$eventName string


Initializes the client.

public __construct(): mixed


protected receiveCurlHeader(mixed $curlHandle, mixed $headerLine): mixed


Parameter Type Description
$curlHandle mixed
$headerLine mixed


Sends a request to a HTTP server, and returns a response.

public send(\Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface $request): \Sabre\HTTP\ResponseInterface


Parameter Type Description
$request \Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface


Sends a HTTP request asynchronously.

public sendAsync(\Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface $request, callable $success = null, callable $error = null): mixed

Due to the nature of PHP, you must from time to time poll to see if any new responses came in.

After calling sendAsync, you must therefore occasionally call the poll() method, or wait().


Parameter Type Description
$request \Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface
$success callable
$error callable


This method checks if any http requests have gotten results, and if so, call the appropriate success or error handlers.

public poll(): bool

This method will return true if there are still requests waiting to return, and false if all the work is done.


Processes every HTTP request in the queue, and waits till they are all completed.

public wait(): mixed


If this is set to true, the Client will automatically throw exceptions upon HTTP errors.

public setThrowExceptions(bool $throwExceptions): mixed

This means that if a response came back with a status code greater than or equal to 400, we will throw a ClientHttpException.

This only works for the send() method. Throwing exceptions for sendAsync() is not supported.


Parameter Type Description
$throwExceptions bool


Adds a CURL setting.

public addCurlSetting(int $name, mixed $value): mixed

These settings will be included in every HTTP request.


Parameter Type Description
$name int
$value mixed


This method is responsible for performing a single request.

protected doRequest(\Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface $request): \Sabre\HTTP\ResponseInterface


Parameter Type Description
$request \Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface


Turns a RequestInterface object into an array with settings that can be fed to curl_setopt.

protected createCurlSettingsArray(\Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface $request): array


Parameter Type Description
$request \Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface


private parseResponse(string $response, mixed $curlHandle): array


Parameter Type Description
$response string
$curlHandle mixed


Parses the result of a curl call in a format that's a bit more convenient to work with.

protected parseCurlResponse(array $headerLines, string $body, resource $curlHandle): array

The method returns an array with the following elements: * status - one of the 3 STATUS constants. * curl_errno - A curl error number. Only set if status is STATUS_CURLERROR. * curl_errmsg - A current error message. Only set if status is STATUS_CURLERROR. * response - Response object. Only set if status is STATUS_SUCCESS, or STATUS_HTTPERROR. * http_code - HTTP status code, as an int. Only set if Only set if status is STATUS_SUCCESS, or STATUS_HTTPERROR


Parameter Type Description
$headerLines array
$body string
$curlHandle resource


Parses the result of a curl call in a format that's a bit more convenient to work with.

protected parseCurlResult(string $response, resource $curlHandle): array

The method returns an array with the following elements: * status - one of the 3 STATUS constants. * curl_errno - A curl error number. Only set if status is STATUS_CURLERROR. * curl_errmsg - A current error message. Only set if status is STATUS_CURLERROR. * response - Response object. Only set if status is STATUS_SUCCESS, or STATUS_HTTPERROR. * http_code - HTTP status code, as an int. Only set if Only set if status is STATUS_SUCCESS, or STATUS_HTTPERROR

  • Warning: this method is deprecated. This means that this method will likely be removed in a future version.


Parameter Type Description
$response string
$curlHandle resource


Sends an asynchronous HTTP request.

protected sendAsyncInternal(\Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface $request, callable $success, callable $error, int $retryCount): mixed

We keep this in a separate method, so we can call it without triggering the beforeRequest event and don't do the poll().


Parameter Type Description
$request \Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface
$success callable
$error callable
$retryCount int


Calls curl_exec.

protected curlExec(resource $curlHandle): string

This method exists so it can easily be overridden and mocked.


Parameter Type Description
$curlHandle resource


Returns a bunch of information about a curl request.

protected curlStuff(resource $curlHandle): array

This method exists so it can easily be overridden and mocked.


Parameter Type Description
$curlHandle resource

Automatically generated on 2025-03-18