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Main DAV server class.


Constant Visibility Type Value
NS_SABREDAV public ''



The tree object.

public \Sabre\DAV\Tree $tree


The base uri.

protected string $baseUri



public \Sabre\HTTP\Response $httpResponse



public \Sabre\HTTP\Request $httpRequest



public \Sabre\HTTP\Sapi $sapi


The list of plugins.

protected array $plugins


This property will be filled with a unique string that describes the transaction. This is useful for performance measuring and logging purposes.

public string $transactionType

By default it will just fill it with a lowercased HTTP method name, but plugins override this. For example, the WebDAV-Sync sync-collection report will set this to 'report-sync-collection'.


This is a list of properties that are always server-controlled, and must not get modified with PROPPATCH.

public string[] $protectedProperties

Plugins may add to this list.


This is a flag that allow or not showing file, line and code of the exception in the returned XML.

public bool $debugExceptions


This property allows you to automatically add the 'resourcetype' value based on a node's classname or interface.

public array $resourceTypeMapping

The preset ensures that {DAV:}collection is automatically added for nodes implementing Sabre\DAV\ICollection.


This property allows the usage of Depth: infinity on PROPFIND requests.

public bool $enablePropfindDepthInfinity

By default Depth: infinity is treated as Depth: 1. Allowing Depth: infinity is potentially risky, as it allows a single client to do a full index of the webdav server, which is an easy DoS attack vector.

Only turn this on if you know what you're doing.


Reference to the XML utility object.

public \Sabre\DAV\Xml\Service $xml


If this setting is turned off, SabreDAV's version number will be hidden from various places.

public static bool $exposeVersion

Some people feel this is a good security measure.

  • This property is static.


If this setting is turned on, any multi status response on any PROPFIND will be streamed to the output buffer.

public static bool $streamMultiStatus

This will be beneficial for large result sets which will no longer consume a large amount of memory as well as send back data to the client earlier.

  • This property is static.



Sets up the server.

public __construct(\Sabre\DAV\Tree|\Sabre\DAV\INode|array|null $treeOrNode = null, \Sabre\HTTP\Sapi $sapi = null): mixed

If a Sabre\DAV\Tree object is passed as an argument, it will use it as the directory tree. If a Sabre\DAV\INode is passed, it will create a Sabre\DAV\Tree and use the node as the root.

If nothing is passed, a Sabre\DAV\SimpleCollection is created in a Sabre\DAV\Tree.

If an array is passed, we automatically create a root node, and use the nodes in the array as top-level children.


Parameter Type Description
$treeOrNode \Sabre\DAV\Tree|\Sabre\DAV\INode|array|null The tree object
$sapi \Sabre\HTTP\Sapi



Starts the DAV Server.

public start(): mixed


Alias of start().

public exec(): mixed
  • Warning: this method is deprecated. This means that this method will likely be removed in a future version.


Sets the base server uri.

public setBaseUri(string $uri): mixed


Parameter Type Description
$uri string


Returns the base responding uri.

public getBaseUri(): string


This method attempts to detect the base uri.

public guessBaseUri(): string

Only the PATH_INFO variable is considered.

If this variable is not set, the root (/) is assumed.


Adds a plugin to the server.

public addPlugin(\Sabre\DAV\ServerPlugin $plugin): mixed

For more information, console the documentation of Sabre\DAV\ServerPlugin


Parameter Type Description
$plugin \Sabre\DAV\ServerPlugin


Returns an initialized plugin by it's name.

public getPlugin(string $name): \Sabre\DAV\ServerPlugin

This function returns null if the plugin was not found.


Parameter Type Description
$name string


Returns all plugins.

public getPlugins(): array


Returns the PSR-3 logger object.

public getLogger(): \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface


Handles a http request, and execute a method based on its name.

public invokeMethod(\Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface $request, \Sabre\HTTP\ResponseInterface $response, bool $sendResponse = true): mixed


Parameter Type Description
$request \Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface
$response \Sabre\HTTP\ResponseInterface
$sendResponse bool whether to send the HTTP response to the DAV client


Returns an array with all the supported HTTP methods for a specific uri.

public getAllowedMethods(string $path): array


Parameter Type Description
$path string


Gets the uri for the request, keeping the base uri into consideration.

public getRequestUri(): string


Turns a URI such as the REQUEST_URI into a local path.

public calculateUri(string $uri): string

This method: * strips off the base path * normalizes the path * uri-decodes the path


Parameter Type Description
$uri string


A permission denied exception is thrown whenever there was an attempt to supply a uri outside of the base uri


Returns the HTTP depth header.

public getHTTPDepth(mixed $default = self::DEPTH_INFINITY): int

This method returns the contents of the HTTP depth request header. If the depth header was 'infinity' it will return the Sabre\DAV\Server::DEPTH_INFINITY object It is possible to supply a default depth value, which is used when the depth header has invalid content, or is completely non-existent


Parameter Type Description
$default mixed


Returns the HTTP range header.

public getHTTPRange(): int[]|null

This method returns null if there is no well-formed HTTP range request header or array($start, $end).

The first number is the offset of the first byte in the range. The second number is the offset of the last byte in the range.

If the second offset is null, it should be treated as the offset of the last byte of the entity If the first offset is null, the second offset should be used to retrieve the last x bytes of the entity


Returns the HTTP Prefer header information.

public getHTTPPrefer(): array

The prefer header is defined in:

This method will return an array with options.

Currently, the following options may be returned: [ 'return-asynch' => true, 'return-minimal' => true, 'return-representation' => true, 'wait' => 30, 'strict' => true, 'lenient' => true, ]

This method also supports the Brief header, and will also return 'return-minimal' if the brief header was set to 't'.

For the boolean options, false will be returned if the headers are not specified. For the integer options it will be 'null'.


Returns information about Copy and Move requests.

public getCopyAndMoveInfo(\Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface $request): array

This function is created to help getting information about the source and the destination for the WebDAV MOVE and COPY HTTP request. It also validates a lot of information and throws proper exceptions

The returned value is an array with the following keys: * destination - Destination path * destinationExists - Whether or not the destination is an existing url (and should therefore be overwritten)


Parameter Type Description
$request \Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface


upon missing or broken request headers

when trying to copy into a non-collection

if overwrite is set to false, but the destination exists

when source and destination paths are identical

when trying to copy a node into its own subtree


Returns a list of properties for a path.

public getProperties(string $path, array $propertyNames): array

This is a simplified version getPropertiesForPath. If you aren't interested in status codes, but you just want to have a flat list of properties, use this method.

Please note though that any problems related to retrieving properties, such as permission issues will just result in an empty array being returned.


Parameter Type Description
$path string
$propertyNames array


A kid-friendly way to fetch properties for a node's children.

public getPropertiesForChildren(string $path, array $propertyNames): array

The returned array will be indexed by the path of the of child node. Only properties that are actually found will be returned.

The parent node will not be returned.


Parameter Type Description
$path string
$propertyNames array


Returns a list of HTTP headers for a particular resource.

public getHTTPHeaders(string $path): array

The generated http headers are based on properties provided by the resource. The method basically provides a simple mapping between DAV property and HTTP header.

The headers are intended to be used for HEAD and GET requests.


Parameter Type Description
$path string


Small helper to support PROPFIND with DEPTH_INFINITY.

private generatePathNodes(\Sabre\DAV\PropFind $propFind, array $yieldFirst = null): \Traversable


Parameter Type Description
$propFind \Sabre\DAV\PropFind
$yieldFirst array


Returns a list of properties for a given path.

public getPropertiesForPath(string $path, array $propertyNames = [], int $depth): array

The path that should be supplied should have the baseUrl stripped out The list of properties should be supplied in Clark notation. If the list is empty 'allprops' is assumed.

If a depth of 1 is requested child elements will also be returned.

  • Warning: this method is deprecated. This means that this method will likely be removed in a future version.


Parameter Type Description
$path string
$propertyNames array
$depth int

See Also:

  • \Sabre\DAV\getPropertiesIteratorForPath() -


Returns a list of properties for a given path.

public getPropertiesIteratorForPath(string $path, array $propertyNames = [], int $depth): \Iterator

The path that should be supplied should have the baseUrl stripped out The list of properties should be supplied in Clark notation. If the list is empty 'allprops' is assumed.

If a depth of 1 is requested child elements will also be returned.


Parameter Type Description
$path string
$propertyNames array
$depth int


Returns a list of properties for a list of paths.

public getPropertiesForMultiplePaths(array $paths, array $propertyNames = []): array

The path that should be supplied should have the baseUrl stripped out The list of properties should be supplied in Clark notation. If the list is empty 'allprops' is assumed.

The result is returned as an array, with paths for it's keys. The result may be returned out of order.


Parameter Type Description
$paths array
$propertyNames array


Determines all properties for a node.

public getPropertiesByNode(\Sabre\DAV\PropFind $propFind, \Sabre\DAV\INode $node): bool

This method tries to grab all properties for a node. This method is used internally getPropertiesForPath and a few others.

It could be useful to call this, if you already have an instance of your target node and simply want to run through the system to get a correct list of properties.


Parameter Type Description
$propFind \Sabre\DAV\PropFind
$node \Sabre\DAV\INode


This method is invoked by sub-systems creating a new file.

public createFile(string $uri, resource $data, string& $etag = null): bool

Currently this is done by HTTP PUT and HTTP LOCK (in the Locks_Plugin). It was important to get this done through a centralized function, allowing plugins to intercept this using the beforeCreateFile event.

This method will return true if the file was actually created


Parameter Type Description
$uri string
$data resource
$etag string


This method is invoked by sub-systems updating a file.

public updateFile(string $uri, resource $data, string& $etag = null): bool

This method will return true if the file was actually updated


Parameter Type Description
$uri string
$data resource
$etag string


This method is invoked by sub-systems creating a new directory.

public createDirectory(string $uri): mixed


Parameter Type Description
$uri string


Use this method to create a new collection.

public createCollection(string $uri, \Sabre\DAV\MkCol $mkCol): array|null


Parameter Type Description
$uri string The new uri
$mkCol \Sabre\DAV\MkCol


This method updates a resource's properties.

public updateProperties(string $path, array $properties): array

The properties array must be a list of properties. Array-keys are property names in clarknotation, array-values are it's values. If a property must be deleted, the value should be null.

Note that this request should either completely succeed, or completely fail.

The response is an array with properties for keys, and http status codes as their values.


Parameter Type Description
$path string
$properties array


This method checks the main HTTP preconditions.

public checkPreconditions(\Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface $request, \Sabre\HTTP\ResponseInterface $response): bool

Currently these are: * If-Match * If-None-Match * If-Modified-Since * If-Unmodified-Since

The method will return true if all preconditions are met The method will return false, or throw an exception if preconditions failed. If false is returned the operation should be aborted, and the appropriate HTTP response headers are already set.

Normally this method will throw 412 Precondition Failed for failures related to If-None-Match, If-Match and If-Unmodified Since. It will set the status to 304 Not Modified for If-Modified_since.


Parameter Type Description
$request \Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface
$response \Sabre\HTTP\ResponseInterface


This method is created to extract information from the WebDAV HTTP 'If:' header.

public getIfConditions(\Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface $request): array

The If header can be quite complex, and has a bunch of features. We're using a regex to extract all relevant information The function will return an array, containing structs with the following keys

  • uri - the uri the condition applies to.
  • tokens - The lock token. another 2 dimensional array containing 3 elements

Example 1:

If: ()

Would result in:

[ [ 'uri' => '/request/uri', 'tokens' => [ [ [ 'negate' => false, 'token' => 'opaquelocktoken:181d4fae-7d8c-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf2', 'etag' => "" ] ] ], ] ]

Example 2:

If: (Not ["Im An ETag"]) (["Another ETag"]) (Not ["Path2 ETag"])

Would result in:

[ [ 'uri' => 'path', 'tokens' => [ [ [ 'negate' => true, 'token' => 'opaquelocktoken:181d4fae-7d8c-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf2', 'etag' => '"Im An ETag"' ], [ 'negate' => false, 'token' => '', 'etag' => '"Another ETag"' ] ] ], ], [ 'uri' => 'path2', 'tokens' => [ [ [ 'negate' => true, 'token' => '', 'etag' => '"Path2 ETag"' ] ] ], ], ]


Parameter Type Description
$request \Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface


Returns an array with resourcetypes for a node.

public getResourceTypeForNode(\Sabre\DAV\INode $node): array


Parameter Type Description
$node \Sabre\DAV\INode


Returns a callback generating a WebDAV propfind response body based on a list of nodes.

public generateMultiStatus(array|\Traversable $fileProperties, bool $strip404s = false): callable|string

If 'strip404s' is set to true, all 404 responses will be removed.


Parameter Type Description
$fileProperties array|\Traversable The list with nodes
$strip404s bool


private writeMultiStatus(\Sabre\Xml\Writer $w, mixed $fileProperties, bool $strip404s): mixed


Parameter Type Description
$w \Sabre\Xml\Writer
$fileProperties mixed
$strip404s bool

Inherited methods


Subscribe to an event.

public on(string $eventName, callable $callBack, int $priority = 100): mixed


Parameter Type Description
$eventName string
$callBack callable
$priority int


Subscribe to an event exactly once.

public once(string $eventName, callable $callBack, int $priority = 100): mixed


Parameter Type Description
$eventName string
$callBack callable
$priority int


Emits an event.

public emit(string $eventName, array $arguments = [], callable $continueCallBack = null): bool

This method will return true if 0 or more listeners were successfully handled. false is returned if one of the events broke the event chain.

If the continueCallBack is specified, this callback will be called every time before the next event handler is called.

If the continueCallback returns false, event propagation stops. This allows you to use the eventEmitter as a means for listeners to implement functionality in your application, and break the event loop as soon as some condition is fulfilled.

Note that returning false from an event subscriber breaks propagation and returns false, but if the continue-callback stops propagation, this is still considered a 'successful' operation and returns true.

Lastly, if there are 5 event handlers for an event. The continueCallback will be called at most 4 times.


Parameter Type Description
$eventName string
$arguments array
$continueCallBack callable


Returns the list of listeners for an event.

public listeners(string $eventName): callable[]

The list is returned as an array, and the list of events are sorted by their priority.


Parameter Type Description
$eventName string


Removes a specific listener from an event.

public removeListener(string $eventName, callable $listener): bool

If the listener could not be found, this method will return false. If it was removed it will return true.


Parameter Type Description
$eventName string
$listener callable


Removes all listeners.

public removeAllListeners(string $eventName = null): mixed

If the eventName argument is specified, all listeners for that event are removed. If it is not specified, every listener for every event is removed.


Parameter Type Description
$eventName string


Sets a logger.

public setLogger(\Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger): mixed


Parameter Type Description
$logger \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface

Automatically generated on 2025-03-18