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This class represents the {DAV:}acl property.

The {DAV:}acl property is a full list of access control entries for a resource.

{DAV:}acl is used as a WebDAV property, but it is also used within the body of the ACL request.




List of privileges.

protected array $privileges


Whether or not the server base url is required to be prefixed when serializing the property.

protected bool $prefixBaseUrl




public __construct(array $privileges, bool $prefixBaseUrl = true): mixed

This object requires a structure similar to the return value from Sabre\DAVACL\Plugin::getACL().

Each privilege is a an array with at least a 'privilege' property, and a 'principal' property. A privilege may have a 'protected' property as well.

The prefixBaseUrl should be set to false, if the supplied principal urls are already full urls. If this is kept to true, the servers base url will automatically be prefixed.


Parameter Type Description
$privileges array
$prefixBaseUrl bool


Returns the list of privileges for this property.

public getPrivileges(): array


The xmlSerialize method is called during xml writing.

public xmlSerialize(\Sabre\Xml\Writer $writer): mixed

Use the $writer argument to write its own xml serialization.

An important note: do not create a parent element. Any element implementing XmlSerializable should only ever write what's considered its 'inner xml'.

The parent of the current element is responsible for writing a containing element.

This allows serializers to be re-used for different element names.

If you are opening new elements, you must also close them again.


Parameter Type Description
$writer \Sabre\Xml\Writer


Generate html representation for this value.

public toHtml(\Sabre\DAV\Browser\HtmlOutputHelper $html): string

The html output is 100% trusted, and no effort is being made to sanitize it. It's up to the implementor to sanitize user provided values.

The output must be in UTF-8.

The baseUri parameter is a url to the root of the application, and can be used to construct local links.


Parameter Type Description
$html \Sabre\DAV\Browser\HtmlOutputHelper


The deserialize method is called during xml parsing.

public static xmlDeserialize(\Sabre\Xml\Reader $reader): mixed

This method is called statically, this is because in theory this method may be used as a type of constructor, or factory method.

Often you want to return an instance of the current class, but you are free to return other data as well.

Important note 2: You are responsible for advancing the reader to the next element. Not doing anything will result in a never-ending loop.

If you just want to skip parsing for this element altogether, you can just call $reader->next();

$reader->parseInnerTree() will parse the entire sub-tree, and advance to the next element.

  • This method is static.


Parameter Type Description
$reader \Sabre\Xml\Reader


Serializes a single access control entry.

private serializeAce(\Sabre\Xml\Writer $writer, array $ace): mixed


Parameter Type Description
$writer \Sabre\Xml\Writer
$ace array

Automatically generated on 2025-03-18