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Context Stack.

The Context maintains information about a document during either reading or writing.

During this process, it may be necessary to override this context information.

This trait allows easy access to the context, and allows the end-user to override its settings for document fragments, and easily restore it again later.

  • Full name: \Sabre\Xml\ContextStackTrait



This is the element map. It contains a list of XML elements (in clark notation) as keys and PHP class names as values.

public array $elementMap

The PHP class names must implement Sabre\Xml\Element.

Values may also be a callable. In that case the function will be called directly.


A contextUri pointing to the document being parsed / written.

public string|null $contextUri

This uri may be used to resolve relative urls that may appear in the document.

The reader and writer don't use this property, but as it's an extremely common use-case for parsing XML documents, it's added here as a convenience.


This is a list of namespaces that you want to give default prefixes.

public array $namespaceMap

You must make sure you create this entire list before starting to write. They should be registered on the root element.


This is a list of custom serializers for specific classes.

public array $classMap

The writer may use this if you attempt to serialize an object with a class that does not implement XmlSerializable.

Instead it will look at this classmap to see if there is a custom serializer here. This is useful if you don't want your value objects to be responsible for serializing themselves.

The keys in this classmap need to be fully qualified PHP class names, the values must be callbacks. The callbacks take two arguments. The writer class, and the value that must be written.

function (Writer $writer, object $value)


Backups of previous contexts.

protected array $contextStack



Create a new "context".

public pushContext(): mixed

This allows you to safely modify the elementMap, contextUri or namespaceMap. After you're done, you can restore the old data again with popContext.


Restore the previous "context".

public popContext(): mixed

Automatically generated on 2025-03-18