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Base controller class for Modules.

Modules should extend this class, and override the methods needed. Emtpy default implementations allow Modules to only override the methods they need.

The methods defined by this class is invoked in order:

  • init()
  • post() -- only for POST requests
  • get()

Modules which emit other serialisations besides HTML (XML,JSON, etc.) should do so within the module init and/or post functions and then invoke killme() to terminate further processing.



private reaction_to_activity(mixed $reaction): mixed


Parameter Type Description
$reaction mixed


private like_response(mixed $arr): mixed


Parameter Type Description
$arr mixed


Process GET requests or the body part of POST requests.

public get(): string

This method is called directly for GET requests, and immediately after the post() method for POST requests.

It will return the module content as a HTML string.

Return Value:

HTML content for the module.

Inherited methods


Initialize request processing.

public init(): mixed

This method is called before any other request processing, and regardless of the request method. The theme is not yet loaded when this method is invoked.


Process POST requests.

public post(): mixed

This method is called if the incoming request is a POST request. It is invoked after the theme has been loaded. This method should not normally render HTML output, as processing will fall through to the GET processing if this method completes without error or stopping processing in other ways.


Process GET requests or the body part of POST requests.

public get(): string

This method is called directly for GET requests, and immediately after the post() method for POST requests.

It will return the module content as a HTML string.

Return Value:

HTML content for the module.

Automatically generated on 2025-03-19